The Flying Field

20150308 103559

Check the Map to see where our flying field is located.

Every aircraft must be noise tested and not exceed the standard 96 DbA at full throttle before they are allowed to fly. Any aircraft above this level will not be permitted to fly until it has been modified to meet this level and certified.

This applies as follows:

  • On every new plane
  • On any plane that has had any engine/silencer or propeller modifications
  • On any plane that has been identified as a problem prior to it flying at the site again

The models details are recorded and updates sent to the Gold Coast City Council on a regular basis.

Here are the full details about the flying times and conditions of use for our field.

                            Day                                                                      Times
               Monday to Friday                                                7:00am to 6:00pm
  Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays                       8:00am to 6:00pm


(Other times may be promulgated from time to time)

Flying at HMFC

BOUNDARIES1. All flights must be entered in the flight log book. Copies of the log are forwarded to council on a regular basis. This is a condition of our lease with GCCC and is mandatory.

2. A maximum of 4 aircraft in the air at any one time.

3. All aircraft to fly within the allocated flight zone at all times.

4. Aerobatics and full power flying only to be conducted in the western side of the flying zone. NO 3D flying is allowed with any "wet" engine powered model.

The above conditions are mandatory and apply to all members and all types of aircraft. Failure to abide by these conditions may result in the loss of our flying field. For this reason any member found in breach of any of these conditions will have their MEMBERSHIP TERMINATED.

Any member that has NOT PAID their renewal by June 30th is uninsured and therefore NOT ALLOWED to fly until they have paid.